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Cranbourne Jump Outs - 13 July 2020


Since November 2019, The Jump Outs have been collecting all overall jump out times from regular jump out venues across Victoria. This includes track conditions (Good/Soft/Heavy), heat class and different distances. All track conditions are sourced from Racing Victoria Stewards and daily weather forecasts.


Field: Claptone (K Corstens), Crafty Bob (M Trotter), Metung Marvin (C Alderson), Klatten (K Keys), Chatafox (D Harrison), Goldiluva (T Busuttin & N Young), Beyond The Sea (G Eurell), Dubawi Prince (T Busuttin & N Young), Picture Diss (G Bedggood), Sweet Child (T Busuttin & N Young)

Field: Glamdam (T Busuttin & N Young), Anthemic (T Busuttin & N Young), And She Was (K Keys), Bullarook Boy (D Short), Ruby Roundhouse (R Besanko), Sniper Strike (J Welsh), Star Stock (T Busuttin & N Young), Malted Missile (R Griffiths), Taucity (G Eurell), Dissident x Firenza (J Williams)

Field: Aminatu (T Rogers), Cellbridge (T Busuttin & N Young), Loburn Lass (T Busuttin & N Young), Summaroca (T Busuttin & N Young), You're Thor (J Williams), Neelanjali (R Griffiths), Be Alert (C Alderson), Magnus x Silver Flash (M Brown)

Field: The Pres (T Busuttin & N Young), Reliable Man x Quality Dream (F Finnegan), Za'ex (C Alderson), Peejay's Off (T Busuttin & N Young), Ruby's Secret (D Short), Nice Polish (J Williams)

Field: Mastobal (M Webb), Splendid Isolation (K Corstens), Sea Dragon (M Kent), Ocean Reward (M Webb), Relishing Time (K Keys), Commando Miss (S Eden), Raging Water (R Cleaver), Uncle Ted (D Harrison), Cheyenne Beach (R Griffiths), Call My Agent (T Busuttin & N Young)

Field: All In Brawl (S Mathrick), Blood Oath (E Jusufovic), Eurack (N McPherson), Moonlight Ruby (D Short), Thorondor (M Kent), Bellevita (T Busuttin & N Young), French Bishop (S Eden), Annalova (S Bottomley)

Field: Polly Design (M Webb), Lord Markel (W Kelly), Masarchi (M Webb), Bons Abroad (K Corstens), Emiliano (Y Harvey), Miss Epernay (K Corstens), Beatles (G Eurell), Polanski x South African (S Bottomley)

Field: Zakalicious (T Busuttin & N Young), Fast 'N' Deep (M Sues), They Callmemalcom (S Bottomley), Zoumanor (M Kent), Star Selection (G Singh), Prosecutor (S Eden), O'Tauto (G Eurell)

Field: Flight Risk (T Logan), Reactor (M Sues), Rosalina (D Noonan), His Kingdom (T Busuttin & N Young), Red Light Roxanne (S Mathrick), Shevrolet (M Kent)

Field: Jocat (T Busuttin & N Young), Tadashi Hamada (S Eden), Joyous Gard (T Busuttin & N Young), Milestone (T Busuttin & N Young), Surely Shirley (D Williams), Likiliku (E Musgrove)

Field: Dratini (C Alderson), Bumrah (T Busuttin & N Young), Chocwedge (L Jones), Pissaro (M Kent), Benall (G Cousins), Miss Nibbles (J Sandhu)

Field: Code Of Arms (T Furdetska), She's On Time (C Alderson), Cyclone Tim (M Trotter), At Your Peril (B Masters), King Cranach (T Logan), Zofriendly (S Chan), Pina (M Kent)

Field: Lord Wonder (E Jusufovic), Chesterton (B McGrath), Four By Four (D Noonan), Encumbrance (U Clarke)

NOTE: the jump outs were conducted on the Main Grass, with the track rated Soft(7).

*silk colour accuracy may vary*

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