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Ballarat Jump Outs - 4 February 2021



Field: Honorable Mention (Henry Dwyer), Irish Playboy (Henry Dwyer), Pebble Raider (Mandy Shillito), Rather Fantastic (Thomas Carberry), Wicked Me (Julie Scott)

Field: California Sunset (Nigel Blackiston), Camelot x She's Mine (Richie Cully), Dirt On Harry (Archie Alexander), Princess Azza (Alan Hanrahan), Rebel Raider x Encosta Rules (Kevin McCartin), Sir Menaduke (Gen Brown), Think Winning (Tony McEvoy)

Field: Adaleene (Matt Cumani), Camelot x Last Tango (Richie Cully), Emperor's Star (Gen Brown), Haileybury Miss (Archie Alexander)

Field: Herodis (Nigel Blackiston), Hezagem (Tony McEvoy), Vanzali (Nigel Blackiston), Wandjina X Our Matilda (Nigel Blackiston)

NOTE: the jump outs were conducted on the Poly Track, with the track rated Synthetic.

*silk colour accuracy may vary*

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