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Wangaratta Jump Outs - 4 November 2022



HEAT 1 - 820m | 47.86s

HEAT 2 - 820m | 49.46s

HEAT 3 - 820m | 49.33s

HEAT 4 - 820m | 48.74s

HEAT 5 - 820m | 49.01s

HEAT 6 - 820m | 49.48s

HEAT 7 - 820m | 47.83s

HEAT 8 - 820m | 49.74s

HEAT 9 - 820m | 49.04s

HEAT 10 - 820m | 48.97s

HEAT 11 - 820m | 49.44s

HEAT 12 - 820m | 50.13s

HEAT 13 - 820m | 49.25s

HEAT 14 - 820m | 49.58s

HEAT 15 - 820m | 54.14s

1. Almanzor (FR) x Diamond Earth - un-listed trainer

3. Richie Tycoon - un-listed trainer

HEAT 16 - 820m | 51.87s

Unplaced: Oxburger (A.Dale)

NOTE: the jump outs were conducted on the Poly Track, with the track rated Synthetic.

*silk colour accuracy may vary*


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