Field: High Emocean (Ciaron Maher / John Allen), Little Zipper (Brian McKnight / Lucy Boyd), Magazine (Ciaron Maher / Will Price), Tavirajay (Simon Morrish / Jarrod Lorensini)
Field: Chill Factor (Brian Lawlor / Neil Farley), Fournaise (Anthony Cosgriff / John Allen), Future Score (Matt Cumani / Jayden Lloyd), Russian Fighter (Dan O'Sullivan / Jaylah Kennedy), Wild Flight (Rodney Foster / Andrew Henderson)
Field: Beautiful Days (Henry Dwyer / John Allen), Ho Ho Prince (Dan O'Sullivan / Will Price), Oak Bridge (Brian McKnight / Lucy Boyd), Regal Ballerina (Matt Cumani / Jayden Lloyd)
Field: Irish Valentine (Henry Dwyer / Lucy Boyd), Rozgold (Dan O'Sullivan / Will Price), Tails Prince (Nigel Blackiston / Sam Payne), US Army Ranger (Aaron Peterson / Alana Kelly), Warrior Spirit (Mitch Freedman / John Allen)
Field: Honour Of Clare (Daniel Kelly / Alana Kelly), La Durquesa (Richard Cully / Will Price), Reforestation (Nigel Blackiston / Sam Payne), SaluteTheRisingSun (Brian Lawlor / Neil Farley), Squamosa x Chantoozie (Henry Dwyer / John Allen), The Turffinator (Garry Murphy / Jarrod Lorensini)
NOTE: the jump outs were conducted on the Poly Track, with the track rated Synthetic.
*silk colour accuracy may vary*